Friday, July 31, 2015

Kelly Ripa's Broken Foot

Yesterday Kelly Ripa came out to host her morning show with a walking boot on her left foot.  It turns out that the day before she "stepped wrong" on a weight left on the floor during her dance class.  She later found out that she broke multiple bones in her foot after hearing a "bubble wrap" sound.  She is told that she does not need surgery but will require 6 weeks of immobilization in the boot.  I am not sure whether or not she was joking but she says for her it will be "more like 3."

As a podiatrist who treats foot fractures, I find this interesting.  Fractures anywhere in the body take at least 6 weeks to heal.  So she is not going to cut down her time to 3 weeks unless she wants to have a non-healing fracture or even further damage that may require surgery.

I also found interesting her choice of a shoe for the other foot.  (Apparently she was advised to wear an appropriate shoe on the other foot and refused according to her discussion on her show). One does want to balance a walking boot with a shoe of equal height on the other foot, but she is not weight bearing yet.  She is wearing a fairly high heel on her right foot and I certainly worry about a foot or ankle injury on the right limb as well.

1 comment:

  1. Get well soon. This is really very much harsh and painful surgery and need much time to get recover to health.

    Foot Surgery Northwest Indiana
