Sunday, January 18, 2015

The SAM Conference

I spent an extended weekend at the Florida Podiatric Medical Association's Scientific and Management Conference at the Orlando Hilton.  It was a very valuable weekend to me and I believe that I learned some things that will improve the care I provide to my patients.  Some of you may know that my podiatry practice is transitioning to being a solo private practice.  For my patients, you will see some differences such as in the next few months you might have to fill out some new paperwork and any bills will come from a different place.  However, I will continue to provide the best care that I can provide.  Hopefully, you will notice some increases in convenience.  I am exploring some resources to provide more services at the practice.  For example, instead of simply telling a patient to go and buy a shoe insert at Wal-Mart or the sporting goods store; I am looking to provide the best products I can find for the best value right at the office.  I am also looking to update my website on which I look to add some additional helpful information.

I have blogged before about my 10 years in private practice.  These years of experience have taken me through Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Polk County (Florida), and finally here in Hernando County.  Each one of these practices afforded me valuable experience.  I saw a lot, and learned a lot.  This helped me formulate the absolute best way to care for my patients.  My philosophy is to treat every patient the way I would want myself, my wife, my mother, my father, or my children treated.  I am excited about the future and the care I will provide my patients.