Thursday, December 22, 2011

Big Ben's Ankle Sprain

Many of the patients I have met during my brief time in Florida know that prior to coming to Florida I practiced for a few years in Pittsburgh.  Though not a fan myself, football in the Steel City is a huge deal.  Of course, the city is always on edge when its star QB is injured.

Apparently Big Ben has a sprained ankle.  As a podiatrist I treat sprained ankles on a very regular basis.  Ankle injuries are certainly not unique to athletes.  A person hurts his or her ankle and they often go to the ER and are given crutches and an ace wrap.  They hop around with the foot hanging down.  This leads to poor healing and can lead to ankle instability in the future.  It is imperative that injured ankles first be evaluated for fracture, and even if no fracture is seen, still be carefully treated.  Soft tissue injury can be just as bad as a broken bone.

I, as a podiatrist, have a very beneficial protocol for the treatment of ankle injuries.  I encourage people to not wait with ankle injuries but to be seen as soon as possible for proper treatment.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Here I go again, it is moving time for my family.  Over Thanksgiving weekend, my entire family made the long trip down to Florida from Pittsburgh.  This reminds me of the many patients I have had that have ended up with various foot problems while moving or helping a friend or family member move.  Those that are not used to being on their feet often experience certain over-use injuries such as stress fractures, tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis.  Even over the past week I have developed some occasional arch pain.  The best way to prevent problems is to wear a good supportive shoe and orthotic.  (Yes I have heard of people unpacking barefoot).  Of course should problems develop make sure you see your local podiatrist.