Sunday, September 30, 2012

Barefoot running

There is a lot of discussion in the media right now involving barefoot running.  Many people claim it is a wonderful way to run.  However, as a podiatrist, I will have to say I can not agree that it is safe.  Many different things have to be considered.  Does the runner have a high arch foot?  If this is the case, I do not believe that the foot can adapt to the ground well.  This sets the runner up for stress fractures and degenerative arthritis.  If the runner has a low arch or "flatfoot,"  I believe that this will make it hard for the runner to go through the propulsive phase of running setting him or her up for tendinitis and various deformities such as hammertoes and bunions.  The running surface also needs to be considered.  A sandy beach is probably better than concrete.  When a patient tells me going barefoot is natural, I often tell them that even if that is true, the ground we often walk on is not.  I tend to believe shoes are important, especially when we are active.  I have seen a lot of injuries from barefoot activity.

Monday, September 24, 2012

"Shape-up" shoes

I am sure everyone is aware of these shoes.  They claim to help "tone" your lower body.  I do have patients that say they like these shoes.  However, there are several lawsuits over these shoes not doing what they said they were going to do.  One woman in Ohio is also suing for causing a stress fracture in her foot.  I tell my patients that I believe shape-up type shoes take away the effects of a tight achilles tendon.  This is also known as "ankle equinus."  When wearing them with the rocker bottom, the foot does not have to compensate as much.  This is fine if you are going to wear these shoes all the time, but most people still want to wear other shoes or sandals and end up with foot pain.  I have even had a patient train for a marathon in them and she developed significant tendonitis because of this.  Thankfully, we were able to get her running again with treatment.